Articling Program

KMB Law is a full service business law firm located in downtown Mississauga with strong connections within Peel and the Greater Toronto Area for 40 years.  We pride ourselves on providing meaningful learning experience for future members of the Ontario Bar.

Our Goal

Our program is not just a way to fulfill the requirements of being called as a member of the Bar, but an opportunity for students to become a member of a growing and motivated team of legal professionals. If you are excited about the opportunities and experiences associated with practicing in a corporate minded, mid-sized law firm, then KMB Law is the place for you.

Ultimately, as a new member of our firm, our goal is to help students explore their interests and allow for easy integration into the social and professional structure of both the firm and the Peel and GTA legal community.

The Firm

KMB practices in a variety of exciting practice areas. For more information, visit our practices page.

The Work

The firm provides an ever-changing work environment. The work students are assigned is obviously be dictated by the needs of our clients, but we hope to provide students with a broad and expansive experience in terms of the work assigned. We also feel it is important that students focus on their development as a professional, an advocate, and an academic during your articles. We do expect students to be present during the regular work week, aside from allotted vacation and study time.

The firm organizes its articling students based on a reasonable rotation between the barrister and solicitor sides of the firm's practices.

Here is a sample list of the tasks and opportunities we provide to students:

  • Legal research and the preparation of legal memoranda
  • Drafting legal opinion letters, contracts, pleadings, and a number of other documents for review and approval by other members of the firm
  • Attend and argue at contested interlocutory motions
  • Try matters before the Ontario Small Claims Court (with appropriate supports)
  • Opportunity for client contact and development
  • Find, locate and interview fact witnesses in circumstances appropriate to the student’s skill level
  • Attend Educational Programs through the Ontario Bar Association
  • Assist with preparation for Superior Court Trials and Appeals
  • Observe certain proceedings like Examinations for Discovery and Private Mediations

The Law Society of Ontario states that every articled student is assigned a principal who is a member of the Ontario Bar with at least five years experience. The Articling Student's principal at KMB Law will be primarily responsible for their student during their articles. However, they will have access to all lawyers at the firm with a variety of expertise. We hope that all our articling students will make use and seek out the knowledge of our professionals.

The Support

The firm provides appropriate administrative support so that students can focus on academic and professional development rather than on clerical or non-legal tasks. The principal will also take steps to ensure that students are assigned tasks that are appropriate to expertise and skill set.


We offer competitive salary and benefits packages and promote a healthy balance of professional and personal life. We strive to ensure our salary and benefits package is competitive. In conjunction with this goal, the salary and benefits package of our Articling Students are reviewed on an annual basis.

Hire Back

The hire-back at the firm varies from year to year. Although not every Articling student that has worked at KMB Law has been offered a position, our overriding philosophy with respect to hire-back is to make positions available for students who have demonstrated during the course of their articles that they are an asset to the firm. The firm aims to achieve ongoing growth and we continue to be one of the largest firms in the Peel Region.


The primary evaluator will be the Articling Principal. However, as the student switches rotations, a number of lawyers will be given the opportunity to assign work. Input is sought from all levels of the firm on a student's performance. There are formal evaluations throughout the articling term, although informal updates are provided throughout the term.

The Interview Process

You should set aside approximately one hour for your interview at the firm. Interviews are usually conducted by two or more KMB Lawyers. We do not ask questions about substantive aspects of the law. You may be requested to attend events on days other than your scheduled interview date in order to meet with other lawyers and professionals at the firm.

What we're looking for

We are interested in finding out what has inspired you to seek out a career in law, what you are hoping to achieve in your articles, a broad picture of your goals, and above all, what makes you unique. We strive to find intelligent, interesting and compelling people who will bring something special to our diverse group of lawyers. We hope to identify individuals who possess an entrepreneurial spirit and who will also be able to exceed the complex needs of our diverse client base.

To apply

Check back for updates on our articling program.

Please note that KMB Law adheres to the Guidelines set by the Law Society of Ontario.

The Summer Program is an excellent opportunity for second-year law students, and in exceptional cases, first-year law students, to gain exposure to the operation of a Law Firm.

We strive to provide interesting and challenging work to law students similar to the experience of our Articling Students, for a shorter period of time during the summer months.

In addition to performing work in the various departments of the firm, our summer students will also be encouraged to pursue available educational opportunities and participate in firm events.

Application Deadlines
Recruitment for the 2025 year is now complete.

To Apply
Please email your cover letter addressed to Kevin R. Fernandes, Chair of the Student Committee to, together with your resume, a copy of your official undergraduate, graduate (as applicable) and law school transcripts together with a list of anticipated courses and a list of references (reference letters are not required).

Please note that KMB Law adheres to the Guidelines set by the Law Society of Ontario.

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Mississauga Head Office

3 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 900
Mississauga, ON L4Z 2G5

Tel: 905.276.9111
Fax: 905.276.2298


3115 Harvester Rd., Suite 400
​Burlington, ON L7N 3N8

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