An International Association and Network of Independent Business Law Firms
Lawpact is an international association of small to mid-sized independent business law firms located in North America, South America, Asia and Europe. Clients do business all over the world, and Lawpact provides an excellent source for counsel in virtually every major market. Lawpact allows Keyser Mason Ball, LLP to offer clients the multi-national legal service necessary in a global economy.

An association of independent accounting, law and management consulting practices from across the globe.
XLNC is an association of independent accounting, law and management consulting practices from across the globe. Our multidisciplinary approach offers greater potential for referring business to each other and XLNC follows this strategy in order to enhance the business exchange opportunities between members in multiple jurisdictions.

Mississauga Head Office
3 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 900
Mississauga, ON L4Z 2G5
Tel: 905.276.9111
Fax: 905.276.2298
3115 Harvester Rd., Suite 400
Burlington, ON L7N 3N8
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