Behind Schedule, In Court: The Legal Framework for Construction Delays: Insights from Walsh Construction v. Toronto Transit Commission
The Ontario Superior Court’s decision in Walsh Construction Company of Canada v. Toronto Transit Commission, 2024 ONSC 2782, provides crucial insights into the use of…
Construction Bond Recession: Navigating the Murky Waters of Third-Party Prejudice
In the case of Urban Mechanical Contracting Ltd. V Zurich Insurance Company Ltd., the Court of Appeal was asked to decide if a construction bond…
Adding Certainty To Your Contracts
Crafting Corporate Agreements As a corporate/commercial lawyer, my practice centres on drafting documents to give effect to clients’ arrangements that they want reduced to writing,…
Payment of Holdback
CLA & Holdback Obligationsw A holdback is a requirement that all owners, contractors and subcontractors withhold 10% of the cost of the services or materials supplied on…
The State of the Emergency Declaration
Stay at Home Orders & Law As a result of the escalating COVID-19 pandemic, on January 12, 2021, Ontario declared a state of emergency and…
The New “Prompt Payment” Provisions Under The Construction Act
OCLA & Prompt Payment Q. I’m a contractor. What can I do to better ensure that I get paid quickly on the projects to which my…
Understanding The Simplified Procedure
Simplified Procedure Process In Ontario, if you have a dispute with an individual or corporation where the claim is for money or property valued between…
The Laws Have Changed: When The Amended Construction Act Applies to You
Construction Act & 2019 Changes Construction legislation is undergoing its first overhaul since 1983. In some respects, the changes are formalizing the way that construction…
Bizarre Love Triange: Insolvent Owners, Contractors & CCAA
Insolvent Owners & CCAA If you work in construction, there’s a good chance that you have your own story about those projects—the large-scale builds that went bust,…
When Lien Rights Are Lost: Other Relief Under The Construction Lien Act
CSA & Lien Rights Lost If you work in the construction industry, chances are you have at least some familiarity with the Construction Lien Act. If…

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